
Friday 10 February 2017

Home Econimics Yr10 2017

Chicken And Rice Patties

For the very first practical we made chicken and rice patties
So the last theory lesson we learnt about health and safety and how we could keep our food from being contaminated by bacteria, like defrosting our food in the fridge instead of on the bench because if we left it out for a while bacteria will start becoming active and multiply. Safety is like being safe around knives and more. And hygienes are like being clean with food about bacteria. we also learnt how bacteria grows and multiplies and the effect it can give us.
This is important in food industries cause if one of them gets contaminated and someone gets infected or sick they will be blamed and not much people will buy their products.

Things we can do to keep our food safe on practical days is by using the right board and right knives to cut our food. And also washing our hands and whipping our tables before cooking.

Something that troubled us during this was that our patties wouldn't stick together and kept falling apart. One skill that I will repeat in the future is shredding the chick.

Health And Safety

So the past week we've been looking a health and safety and hygienes. We also learnt about cross contaminations and that if we leave something out for like 1-2 hours bacteria grows.

Health and safety are important in this classroom are that this room is full of hazards that can potentially harm us.

Our routines are Monday and Friday is theory and Wednesday is cooking day.

Bacteria can be harmful to us, gives us food sickness nad more the things needed for bacteria to grow is food, time, moisture, oxygen and warmth.


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