
Monday 15 May 2017

Black Holes - Science yr10

Black Holes

What is a black hole?
A black hole is a star that's run out of energy and implodes on itself causing a supernova, then after all this happens, the leftover matter condenses into one and becomes an endless amount of force, where anything in its gravitational gets devoured.

Image result for black holesTypes of black holes?
Black holes can be any size, they can be as small as an atom, but  have enough mass of a large mountain. There is another type of black hole called, Stellars. There is multiple stellar black holes in our universe, The Milky Way. A stellar black hole consists of the mass of 20x our sun. The other type is called a “SuperMassive” Scientists proved that every large galaxy consists of one Supermassive black hole in the center of it. The mass of a supermassive consists nearly 4 million of our sun's mass in it.

Forces of a black hole?
Image result for supernovaA black hole has the strongest pull force in the universe known to man, not even light can escape. Were lucky on Earth where there is no black holes close enough to get devoured. There are many theories of a black hole, whereas one is when we enter a black hole it's like a wormhole and takes us to another galaxy.

Can our sun become a black hole?
Image result for white dwarfOur sun can definitely not become a black hole, due to its mass. Instead, it will turn into a white dwarf instead.

What happens when we enter a black hole?

After that, gravity will drag you toward the singularity at the speed of light and ultimately spaghettify you. No one knows what happens beyond the event horizon, and astrophysicists suspect that the physics we understand here on Earth breaks down inside of a black hole

Hawkings Radiation
Hawking proved something amazing. Everywhere in space, there is these matter and antimatter particles emerging everywhere. When the matter and the antimatter join together, they completely disappear. Since matter is fast enough to escape the black hole, the antimatter gets sucked in and the matter will create a slight glow of radiation around the black hole.

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