
Friday 29 September 2017

Drug Use In Sports

Should drugs be allowed in sports? Well, it depends on what type of drugs. Drugs like paracetamol, panadol should be allowed, drugs like steroids shouldn’t.

Drugs like panadol and paracetamol should be allowed in sports because these don’t help them enhance their performance, it just helps them out with headaches and sore muscles so they can perform at their best without the worries of something like headaches screwing with them.

But drugs that help them enhance their performance is a NO! Since it would be unfair the other athletes where they work so hard for something and someone can just beat them by taking an injection or a pill to boost them physically.

So this is why I think drugs should/shouldn’t be allowed in sports. They ruin the whole purpose of sports. Sports is supposed to be fun and competitive not ruining games just because you want to win and doing anything like taking drugs just to win. But then you got the people that take painkillers these should be allowed since they're not enhancing their performance as much as the other types of drugs.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Milo Experiment

The Milo Tectonic Experiment

Here we have the crust all made from cocoa.

Here we see it starting to crack
forming the continents.

The milk has melted the cocoa
and is going through the cocoa layer.

Here we see the “continents” shifting. This is happening because the process called Convection Currents, this is when the bottom liquid gets hotter than the top floats up since it’s less dense, then the cooler liquid sinks to the bottom, then this continues. This is why the continents(cocoa) are slowly moving.


Here is our version. We used Milo instead of cocoa, but instead of cracking it basically dissolved as you see this in the 2nd picture, and we used milk to represent “magma”. In the third picture you could say they could be countries and islands. I think since cocoa is crushed way finer than Milo the continents didn't form instead it crumbled. But at the end we could have used cocoa instead of Milo, but at least we got a nice warm drink at the end.

Monday 11 September 2017

New Zealand Map

This shows the map of where earthquakes, fault lines and volcano eruptions happened in the past 2000 years. This also shows where some volcanoes are in New Zealand.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Risk Or Challenge Creative Writing

Image result for adrenalin forest
Have you ever been 20 meters above ground zooming tree to tree? Well I have, it was on the level 5b at a place called Adrenaline Forest. Getting up there was a challenge, not as much as a challenge of zooming tree to tree on a zip line full of adrenaline. As I got up for my go, my heart sank to the bottom of my chest as I stared below me, everyone below me was small like ants and the trees as tall as the the Eiffel Tower. I hooked my carrabeena onto the wire as I was instructed. My fellow school mates cheering me on Go Xing! Go Xing! Go Xing!

I trembled in fear as I leaped off and zoomed across to the other platform as I thought... My heart sunk, all of a sudden I stopped. I looked around, I was stuck, with another peer about to leap. My heart beating as fast as a cheetah chasing its prey. I struggled in hurry, trying to pull myself to the other platform which seemed like an eternity.

I’m meters off the platform, I leaned back trying to reach the platform with my legs. I feel the wire shaking and heard the peer screaming HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! I finally managed to reach the platform with my right foot, with the peer closing in, I give it my all in my final attempt to pull myself in, I managed to pull myself onto the platforms with with seconds to spare. My heart beats are like hummingbirds flapping their wings, and legs as wobbly as jelly. I let the peer that was behind to to go as the calmed from that rush of adrenaline.

I was up to the last zipline till I reached ground level. Another peer was coming to my platform from another tree in the distance, the tree leaned the way he was coming from like a fish pulling against a fishing rod. My legs wobble as I imagined the tree snapping. The end tree looked like a thin twig from the platform I was standing on. I took my final leap of faith, the wind pushing against my face made it very hard to visualize the platform. As I imagined millions and millions of outcomes, I was frightened. Nearly frightened to death.

The tree got bigger and bigger as I got closer. I prepared for the impact of which was gonna come when I strike barricade. I lifted my legs ready to absorb the impact. I miss judged. Bam straight into the side with my shoulder, the pain was nothing at most it just left a scar for me to remember my time there. We were all rewarded with warm delicious pizza.

I guess if I didn’t take up this opportunity, I would have never experience the rush of adrenaline that filled my veins up and would look like a chicken in front of others.