
Thursday 20 June 2019

The Lifestyle Creed

The Lifestyle Creed

What Does Creed Mean?
A system of religious belief; a faith. The other time I've seen creed used through the movie Creed and through the game Assasin Creed.

Oleocanthal: Oleocanthal is the compound that causes the burning sensation at the back of your throat when you consume extra-virgin olive oil.

Catholic Nicene Creed is a Catholic poem is a prayer. It is similar to the lifestyle creed as it uses similar words such as begotten, almighty, virgin, salvation. The poem lifestyle creed is similar to Catholic Nicene Creed as some of the words are replaced. The lifestyle creed is about how food is everything to us and Catholic Nicene Creed is about religion.

The author cuts up the texts and joins them together to help us understand that she is trying to contrast the 2 texts that she cut the words from. We can group these 2 texts by the fonts as they are both different. We know that shes contrasting the ideas of religion to ideas of nutrition.
The author uses the different fonts as she didn't type the poem up instead she got the words from different texts. She does this so that she can contrast the 2 texts. One of the texts represents religion and the other represents nutrition.

She uses words like brain boosters, antioxidants and good cholesterol to contrast the ideas of nutrients to religion.

The purpose of the poem is to compare ideas of religion to nutrients and health ideas.

The poem has a dissonant tone.

The last two lines suggest that the resurrection of good cholesterol  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the points that you made, Xing. Very nice! Have an emoji 🗿

  3. You like the points that you made such as the one about the cut up texts and why they're like that. I also like your take on the tone of the poem and it has made me consider that that is the tone.

  4. I love your use of a thesaurus, have a great day Xingy!

  5. You've done a really good job on explaining your ideas overall, super inspiring and refreshing absolute 10/10 job Xingy xox


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