
Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Unfamiliar Texts - Limestone and We are the Tenants

Limestone -
Explain how contrasts of ideas are important in the passage. Give details from the text to support our answer.
We are the tenants -
With close reference to the text, discuss the poet's use of imagery to describe the North.

In the prose Limestone by Fiona Farrell, which is prose about a girl called Clare going on a journey home to New Zealand. The author describes how New Zealand is the ideal place to be but as she goes on, she starts to develope the contrast in here ideas. In the third paragraph the author uses the technique of diction to show the contrast between the lands of what she thinks New Zealand is and the reality of what has happened to that image. The author uses adjectives in the sentence "primeval beaches scattered with driftwood, and dark forests, and plains burned to a tawny hide in late summer." She describes New Zealand such words as "primeval, dark, tawny" to which makes you think this is a paradise. However, she then goes on to say "That dream she knows to be corrupted by reality: the beach is already threatened by subdivision and the tres with clear-felling, and the tawny plains are bordered by the dry beds of intricate vanished trees." The words such as "threatened, clear-felling, vanished" all give us a negative connotation that allows us to understand how that land is now under threat of never becoming what it once was. This strong contrast of ideas in how she wants New Zealand to be a paradise but in reality the land which she had so much hope in is now corrupted by the madness of human progression. This idea shows how where ever human beings have decided to colonize the beautiful land that has once been there will soon to not exist. This is all seen currently as have issues such as global warming, species becoming endangered, and mass pollution found in our oceans. All these issues are caused by all caused by the greed of human beings and if we don't do anything about it, our once beautiful earth will seize to exist. In the first paragraph, the writer uses words such as "pristine, forested, legendary, and beautiful" to describe the scenery up at 30,000 feet. However, the writer then goes and use words like "clutter, rusted, spills, quarrelsome" to show the destruction that humans have done to the place we call home. The words describing the scenery from 30,000 feet above gives us a positive connotation and allows us to understand how wonderful our world is looking at it afar. In contrast, she then uses words such as "rusted, spills, quarrelsome, and clutter" which gives us a negative connotation which shows us the impacts we as humans have done to this planet if we took a closer look at our planet and question the ways we've been doing things.  

We are the tenants
In the poem "We are the tenants" by Kapka Kassabova, she uses imagery to describe the North as an unpleasant place. Kassabova uses words such as  

Compare and contrast the attitude to departure and arrival presented in each text. Give details from the texts to support your answer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Xing!
    Great work on this. Your evidence and analysis are solid! My advice is to work on your organisation a bit. Introduce the text and question in a short paragraph, then focus on one major aspect, and another major aspect, in 2 body paragraphs. Bring in other sideline aspects to flesh out your discussion throughout, but make it really obvious to the marker the main idea of each paragraph. Then add a quick conclusion at the end which addresses the overall meaning of the text as it relates to the question.
    Ka rawe!! :)


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